Free Nutrition Resources


pleasure & purpose Cookbook

A key to long-term sustainable health is enjoying the foods that nourish your body. Try these recipes that enhance the flavor of nutrient dense foods and bring joy back to your table.

Cookbook includes:

  • Six chapters (Breakfast, Meatless Monday, Fish, Poultry, Simple Sides & Desserts)

  • 57 recipes

  • Information on how different foods nourish your body

  • Cook’s notes


Starter Grocery List

Our dietitian-authored Starter Grocery List will help make shopping for some of the healthiest foods on your next trip to the store a breeze.

Includes recommendations for:

  • Pantry

  • Produce

  • Freezer

  • Meat / Seafood

  • Dairy


Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Change up your morning routine and get a healthy start to the day with some of our favorite high protein, high fiber breakfast ideas for you and your family.

Includes ideas for:

  • Bowls

  • Parfaits

  • Toast/Sandwiches

  • On-The-Go

  • And more!

Meal Building Tool

This tool is designed to assist you in building meals with greater ease. There are numerous advantages to using this approach for creating meals, such as enhanced satisfaction after eating, sustained energy levels throughout the day, better management of blood sugar levels, and the ability to stay within your calorie budget.

Includes ideas for:

  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner

  • Reading labels for carbohydrate foods

  • Portions of each food group